Our People

Renata is a master in the field of mental health and hypnotherapy, specializing in both adults and children. With her expertise and holistic approach using reiki, hypnotherapy and mindfulness , she brings a unique perspective to our practice, helping individuals of all ages achieve healing and well-being . Here’s more about Renata and her contributions:

Professional Qualifications

Renata holds a master’s degree in Mental Health Coaching, along with advanced certifications in Hypnotherapy and Mindfulness. Her extensive educational background equips her with a solid foundation in understanding the complexities of mental health.

Holistic Approach

Renata firmly believes in a holistic approach to mental health, recognizing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. She understands that true healing goes beyond just addressing symptoms, and she strives to help her clients achieve balance and harmony in all aspects of their lives. She truly believes that lifestyle medicine and energy medicine are the cure.

Expertise in Hypnotherapy

With her master specialization in hypnotherapy, Renata utilizes this powerful modality to support individuals in reaching deep states of relaxation and accessing their subconscious mind. Through hypnotherapy, she helps clients explore and address underlying issues, reframe negative thought patterns, help them to release limiting beliefs and thought patterns and promote a transformative journey.

Tailored Care for Adults and Children

Renata’s expertise extends to working with both adults and children, understanding that mental health concerns can affect individuals at any stage of life. She creates a safe and nurturing environment for her clients, adapting her therapeutic techniques to meet their specific needs and developmental stages.

Compassion and Empathy

Renata’s compassionate and empathetic nature shines through in her work. She establishes a strong therapeutic alliance with her clients, fostering trust and creating a safe space where they feel heard, validated, and supported. Her ability to connect deeply with individuals of all ages allows for a more meaningful and transformative therapeutic experience.

Collaborative Approach

Renata believes in the power of collaboration, actively involving her clients in their healing journey. She values their input, preferences, and goals, working together to develop personalized treatment plans that align with their unique needs and aspirations. Renata’s collaborative approach ensures that clients feel empowered and actively engaged in their own well-being.

Commitment to Continuing Education

As a lifelong learner, Renata stays abreast of the latest advancements in the field of mental health and hypnotherapy. She actively participates in continuing education programs, workshops, and conferences, continuously expanding her knowledge and refining her skills to provide the highest level of care to her clients.
